How to keep your customer

How to keep your customer

It is cheaper to keep a customer than attracting a new customer.

As if you did not already knew that from your customer!

"But keeping a customer is hard. Really hard!" is one of the lines I hear a lot from people.

And I have to agree. It is hard work. It really is. Especially in these era's, where the requirements/needs/expectations/... from a customer can change drastically in a matter of blinking your eye. And if you happen to blink twice. Chances are it changed again.

Luckely there is hope. Science, research and techniques are on your side! The question on "how to keep customers" is probably one of the oldest questions since trade. And it surely has been investigated, researched, tested and modelled into techniques, frameworks ever since.

One of those models is the KANO model. It is an extremely powerfull model. Not only for better understanding those everchanging customers, but also guiding you to actions. Actions that actually assist in keeping customers.

customer retention

Get to keep your customer.

Take a look at the KANO model. We guide you to make a list of the features of your service and/or product and fit them in the model. You will classify each feature how it is experienced by your customers. Once you got a good view on features for your customers, we'll define the actions you can test and implement in order to keep customers! Yes, you will get immediate view on exactly what to do to keep customers. Give it a go!

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